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Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 316 본문


Daily English School - 316

LeoBehindK 2025. 3. 13. 12:59

Date: 03/12/2025
Student: Dawoon Kim
Topic: Man Sues Cinema for Showing Too Many Ads https://engoo.com/app/daily-news/article/man-sues-cinema-for-showing-too-many-ads/EJIiTvXiEe-cRjMDa1VMiA

Sentence Construction:
X I'm searching for empty room in University now. >> I'm searching for an empty room at the university now.
X It was just one week since I enter this University. Many professor gave me presentation task. >> It has only been a week since I entered this university, and many professors have given me presentation tasks.
X Always, afternoon I made a presentation papers for for homework. >> I always prepare presentation papers for my homework in the afternoon.
X When I visit to ceramic festival in Korea, I could see a message When I visited the ceramic festival in Korea, I saw a message warning about the fragility of ceramics.about cautious about fragility of ceramics. >>
X In ancient Joseon dynasty, every kings wanted to make their own portrait. >> In the ancient Joseon Dynasty, every king wanted to have their own portrait made.
X My science teacher told me a picture is worth a thousand words so he always showed me specific pictures describes physics law. >> My science teacher told me that a picture is worth a thousand words, so he always showed me specific pictures that describe physics laws.

* competition /kom-pi-tish-uhn/
* compete /kuhm-peet/
* fragility /fruh-jil-i-tee/
* delicate /del-i-kit/
* damage /dam-ijd/
* conservation /kon-ser-vey-shuhn/
* portrait /pawr-trit, -treyt, pohr-/
* photographer /fuh-tog-ruh-fer/
* advertisement /ad-ver-tahyz-muhnt/

Build Lexicon:
* Visualization := (n.) A graphical representation of data or information.
Example: The scientist created a visualization to show rising global temperatures.
* Threshold := (n.) A specific limit or level that, once reached, triggers a reaction.
Example: Exceeding the 1.5-degree Celsius threshold could have severe consequences.
* Mitigate := (v.) To make something less severe or harmful.
Example: Reducing emissions can help mitigate the effects of climate change.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* Spiral out of control := To become increasingly worse or chaotic.
Example: If global temperatures continue to rise, extreme weather events may spiral out of control.
Wake-up call := A warning or realization that action is needed.
Example: The record-breaking heat serves as a wake-up call for urgent climate action.
Turn up the heat := To increase pressure or urgency.
Example: Scientists are turning up the heat on world leaders to act on climate change.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic, Seoul makes U-turn on med school expansion as Yoon ruling nears https://www.koreaherald.com/article/10436232


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