Date: 03/14/2025
Student: Dawoon Kim
Topic: Fog harvesting could provide water for dry cities
Sentence Construction:
X I have to research of my thesis. >> I have to do my research for my thesis.
X Trump's government reversal of the trade policy made other country's people angry. >> Trump's government's reversal of the trade policy made people from other countries angry.
X They only make standoff. >> They only create a standoff.
X EU and Korea made a negotiation about quota of cars. >> The EU and Korea negotiated about the car quota.
X I set the time for planning some things. It means I draw the line for plannin. >> I set aside time for planning certain things. It means I draw the line when it comes to planning.
* reversal /ri-vur-suhl/
* decision /dih-sizh-uhn/
* admission /ad-mish-uhn/
* government /guhv-ern-muhnt, ‑er-muhnt/
* standoff /stand-awf, -of/
* quota /kwoh-tuh/
* dispute /dih-spyoot/
* resilience /ri-zil-yuhns, -zil-ee-uhns/
Build Lexicon:
* Harvesting := (n.) The process of collecting or gathering something.
Example: The researchers are studying fog harvesting as a way to collect water.
* Resilience := (n.) The ability to recover or adapt to difficulties.
Example: Fog harvesting can improve a city’s resilience to water shortages.
* Perception := (n.) The way something is understood or viewed.
Example: Dr. Gamberini’s research changed the perception of fog water use.
Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* A drop in the ocean := A very small amount compared to what is needed.
Example: The water collected from fog may seem like a drop in the ocean, but it helps communities survive.
* Under the weather := Feeling sick or unwell.
Example: People without access to clean water may often feel under the weather.
* Break new ground := To do something innovative or pioneering.
Example: Scientists in Chile are breaking new ground with fog harvesting technology.
* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic, New Article