Leo's Garage

Daily English School - 201 본문


Daily English School - 201

LeoBehindK 2024. 6. 18. 19:51

Date: 06/18/2024


Student: Dawoon Kim

Topic: How will med professors' walkout on June 18 impact hospitals?


How will med professors' walkout on June 18 impact hospitals?

Professors at 40 medical schools, along with private practitioners, have decided to join a one-day shutdown of services on Tuesday, organized by the largest doctors' group here, with the scope of the impact on South Korea's health care system as yet unknow


Sentence Construction:

X After this class I will go home maybe 6pm. >> After this class I will go home at maybe 6pm.

X Normally I’m going to walk the dog at 8pm. >> Normally I walk the dog at 8pm.

X When you leave this room, could you please tidy this room. >> When you leave this room, could you please tidy it up?

X There are many dispute between China and US. >> There are many disputes between China and the US.

X On the election 3 candidates were disputing the lead. >> During the election, three candidates were disputing the lead.

X Many employees cry foul about unsafety workplace. >> Many employees cry foul about the unsafe workplace.

X Doctor is not a normal job. >> Being a doctor is not an ordinary job.

X Many senior patients severe patients were dead. >> Many senior patients with severe conditions passed away.

* thought /thawt/
* tidy /tahy-dee/
* complain /kuhm-pleyn/
* gauntlet  gawnt-lit, gahnt-
* infringement /in-frinj-muhnt/
* designate /verb dez-ig-neyt/
* prosecutor /pros-i-kyoo-ter/
* indefinite /in-def-uh-nit/

Build Lexicon:

* citing := (v.) to refer to or quote a source, especially in support of a point or argument.

Example: The professor emphasized the importance of citing reliable sources in our research papers.

* halved := (v.) to divide into two equal parts.

Example: The company halved its workforce to cut costs during the economic downturn.

* render := (v.) to provide or give a service, help, etc.; to cause to become; to depict artistically.

Example: The artist was able to render a beautiful landscape with just a few brushstrokes.

* halted := (v.) to bring or come to an abrupt stop.

Example: The train halted unexpectedly due to a signal malfunction.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* draw the line := to set a limit on what one is willing to accept.

Example: The professors decided to draw the line when the administration ignored their demands for better working conditions.

* make waves := to cause trouble or disrupt a situation.

Example: The walkout by the medical professors made waves in the university, drawing attention to their grievances.

* Read the lexicon, idioms and expressions. Then, construct sentences for each and be ready to recite them in class.
* Our next topic,  Fiji's PM Wins Bronze Medal in Athletics Competition


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